Joan KoczorPublished on

Joan's Corner - September 2024 Update

Picture of Joan Koczor

Joan has just provided us with some reminders of September 11, 2001, lest we forget this horrific day. A day that we all remember and should remember! I was watching the TV in horror as I prayed for colleagues to successfully escape. They did as the North Tower came tumbling down right behind them . . . they all physically survived, but for some the mental impact lasted for years.

Take a look at all of the material that Joan has curated for us and remember the commitments that we all made on that day to NEVER FORGET. Thank you, Joan.

Joan has also shared her September "Save the Dates" for your information and use. Joan continues to keep you informed!

Take a look. Important happenings for Copa Seniors, You Talk We Listen series, the Dominoe Dudes, the American Legion Auxiliary Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser and the Maricopa Citizen Leadership Academy amongst many other things.

She has added some trivia and corny jokes to help you start your day. As a bonus, she has included a 'Remember When' to help trigger some memories!


NEW - September 11, 2001, content follows:

On September 11thDownload

September 11th updateDownload

More September 11thDownload

Post 911Download

The USS New York -Download

Joan's September 2024 "Save the Date" listDownload

September 2024 TriviaDownload

Remember When - September 2024Download

Some Very Corny Jokes and a Few One Liners September 2024Download

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