Farmers' Markets

Information about finding a local farmers' market.

Farmers' Markets in Pinal County

There are several farmers’ markets in Pinal County. Here are a few of the close ones:

Casa Grande Farmers Market: This market trucks produce to distribute to the community for just $15.00. Their goal is to provide fresh produce to everyone in the community. You can find them at 702 E Cottonwood Lane, Casa Grande, AZ, 85194.

For more information: Home | Casa Grande Farmers

Maricopa Farmer’s Market: The new COPA Farmers Market starts after the first of the year 2025.

Soft Opening, Sunday, January 5th, 2025

Grand opening, Sunday, January 19th, 2025

The event will be open from 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. every other Sunday at Central Arizona College in the City of Maricopa at: 17945 N. Regent Drive, Maricopa, Arizona 85138

For more information: Copa Farmers Market will crop up just in time for the New Year - InMaricopa

For all the Arizona farmers markets listed by county: Farmers-markets-and-U-picks-For-Website.pdf lists several farmers’ markets around Pinal County.

You can find more information about them here: Pinal County AZ Farmers Market

NOTE: Be a bit careful of this website - Although it accurately lists the many possible farmers markets, it has a lot extraneous advertising attached to it!

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