Artificial Intelligence

AARP - Older Adults Embrace Tech but Are Skeptical of AI

"In tech usage, older adults rival their younger counterparts

Younger adults don’t have a corner on the tech market — far from it. A new AARP survey finds that older Americans are about as likely as those under age 50 to own a smartphone, tablet, or other device.

Nearly nine out of 10 Americans (89% of those 50-plus and 90% of those 18-49) own a smart phone, according to the national survey conducted online in the fall of 2023. Among both age groups, 75% have smart TVs and 59% own tablets.

Notably, as overall spending on tech dropped from $912 per person in 2022 to $798 in 2023, tech purchases by adults in their 60s and 70s went up. In the last year, 69% of adults over 50 bought at least one tech product."

This AARP report that was updated as of May 2024 reports on recent findings regarding the acceptance of technology, including artificial intelligence.

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