Cooling Stations

Information on the location of official cooling stations where residents can get relief from extreme temperatures.

ADHS - Extreme Weather & Public Health

Heat Safety - Heat-Related Illness

Arizona typically experiences long periods of high temperatures from May to September. Frequent triple-digit temperatures can increase a person's risk for a heat-related illness. Nearly 3,000 people visit Arizona emergency rooms because of heat-related illnesses annually. Some heat-related illnesses can even be fatal. More than 3,200 people have died from excessive exposure to heat from 2012 to 2022.

As a result, the Arizona Department of Health Services has developed a Heat Emergency Response Plan, a Heat Safety Resource Guide, and a bilingual Heat Brochure.

Heat Relief Networks are in place in Maricopa, Pima County and Yuma County. These heat relief networks provide maps of free air-conditioned spaces to get out of the heat, free water, and places to donate water.

To sign up for email alerts and information regarding extreme heat warnings, check out the instructions on our Extreme Weather and Public Health homepage.

Hydration & Heat Relief in Pinal County - Summer 2024

"There are many locations throughout the County where you can cool off in the air conditioning or get water.

Click on a red pin below for location, hours of operation, and contact information for each site."

Check out this site for cooling station locations.

Also, remember to keep an eye on vulnerable family and friends. Should their HVAC system breakdown or fail to keep up with the heat they have an emergency situation. Find a way to move the affected person(s) to cool place and then call for a repair person.

If there is a need for financial assistance, try reaching out to home repair programs. CAHRA has a Minor Home Repair Program that might be of some assistance. For CAHRA programs, income limits will likely apply.

To reach CAHRA click on: Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA) is a private, non-profit corporation providing for the identified needs of people and communities of Pinal County. CAHRA builds firm foundations in partnership with communities by stimulating family cohesiveness and self-reliance.

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