Ron SmithPublished on

Check out what's new...

Recently posted:

The March Senior Programming calendar at the Maricopa Community Center is now available for your use.

Joan Koczor's March Newsletter ".. keeping you informed" has been posted to Joan's Corner for your reading enjoyment.

Included with the March newsletter is an article on a rare celestial phenomenon that won't happen for anther 15 years. Also included is information about the City of Maricopa General Plan Community Workshop to be held Thursday night, March 6th at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center. Joan reminds us that March is Women's Month. For your added pleasure, another batch of the famous one-liners! Enjoy!

Mayor Smith has reminded us that the Department of Transportation has opened up a survey for public comment on their proposed 5-year transportation plan.

Use the following link to enter your comments. THEY ARE VERY IMPORTANT!

ADOT FY 2026-2030 Tentative Five Year Transportation Facilities Construction Program - Public Comment Form

For clarification when entering your comments, the following text should be helpful in completing your answers:

  • The project IS listed in the 5-year plan: YES
  • The type of project is: Highway
  • Select SR347 as the highway route
  • The project is in both Maricopa County AND Pinal County
  • The project name is: SR347
  • Enter your comments in 500 of less characters. If you have more points you are allowed to fill the form multiple times
  • Enter your name, address, etc. and SUBMIT

Thank you!

The March 2025 issue of the Pinal County Network News newsletter has been posted.

Select the CATEGORY box for Pinal County Network News to access the latest issue.

NOTE: The newsletter contains important information about Project Connect which will occur on Friday, March 21st. in Casa Grande at the First Presbyterian Church at 702 E. Cottonwood Lane. Project Connect is a one-day, one-stop event to provide access to free services, resources and referrals for community members. FREE COMMUNITY EVENT. Free haircuts, employment assistance, housing assistance, health screenings, identification cards and much more. Over forty agencies/organizations are likely to participate. For details, check the latest edition of Pinal County Network Newsletter.

Advancing Maricopa - the Maricopa General Plan update process

What's the General Plan, and why should you care?

Maricopa is growing, and so is its vision. The city is embarking on a two-year journey to update the General Plan - s blueprint that will shape our community's growth, economy, and quality of life for the next 10-20 years. From transportation to business opportunities to parks and recreation, this plan sets the stage for what's next.

Why now?

According to state law, all municipalities in Arizona are required to have a General Plan. These plans must also be updated and ratified by voters every ten years. The City of Maricopa's current General Plan was last ratified by voters in 2026, so the city is starting its update now to prepare for 2026.

Take an active role in your city's future

This isn't just about plans and policies - it's about you. Throughout the process, you will have opportunities to participate in community surveys, attend workshops and special events, or engage in our youth outreach programs.

To learn more about the General Plan and the Update process: HOME | Maricopa General Pla

Take a virtual tour of the 1st Community Outreach session that was just held at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center.

There was a good turnout and interesting questions. Check out what happened and more importantly take the survey to voice your interests and concerns for the future direction of the City. Check the following site: Community Workshop #1 (Virtual) | Maricopa General Pla

TAKE THE SURVEY - A real opportunity to be heard and contribute to the next General Plan.

City Hosting Sales Tax Open Houses -

Drop in at your convenience to ask questions and discuss the proposal with City staff before it goes to Council on May 6th.

Sales Tax Open Houses flyer

Central Arizona Aging is offering a new class: A Matter of Balance - A fall prevention class

Join us for our 8-week fall prevention program. A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to manage and help decrease fall and increase activity levels for individuals aged 60 years or older.

This program will be offered at the Vista Grande Library, 1556 N. Arizola Rd., Casa Grande, AZ 85122 at 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 25th-May 13th.

Register now - Space is limited. For more information see the following flyer.

A Matter of Balance flyer from Central Arizona AgingDownload

Pinal County Tax Exemptions -

Are you aware that Pinal County has tax exemptions available for qualifying widows, widowers, disabled persons, veterans and a Senior Property Valuation Protection Option (Senior Freeze) available for residential homeowners.

Applications for exemptions for the property of widows, widowers, veterans and disabled persons are due the first Monday in January through the last day of February.

Applications for the Senior Freeze will be accepted March 1st through September 1st this year. Senior Freezes can be approved for a three-year time period. Once approved, you need to reapply every three years to be requalified.

For more details on each of the programs including qualification requirements, program provisions and limitations check the following site: Exemptions | Pinal County, AZ

You can also check this recent article by Pinal Central's staff writer Kenny Quayle for additional information: Senior, vet property tax exemptions available now | Area News |

Something new at the Maricopa Community Center:

Preventative Health and Wellness Session 1 (Nutrition) | 11:00am-12:00pm | Free| Thursday, March 27th

Hosted by The Maricopa Fire and Medical and Northern Arizona University’s Public Health Program. Come learn tips on nutrition, how nutrition effects health, and examples of healthy recipes. This will be the first series out of a total of three sessions. The two additional sessions will be taking place in April. Registration is required.

Check the following flyer for more information about the remaining sessions including topics and schedule:

Preventative Health & Wellness Workshops flyerDownload

Maricopa Citizen Leadership Academy - Open for enrollment

Maricopa Citizen Leadership Academy flyer

To register for the next Leadership Academy: Activity detail | City of Maricopa - Community Services Online

It's time for the Pinal County Fair - March 12th - 16th.

Pinal County Fair

For more information: General Info

March 12-16, 2025 - Fair Hours

Wednesday 4pm - 10pm
Thursday 4pm - 10pm
Friday 9am - Midnight
Saturday 11am - Midnight
Sunday 11am - 9pm

*Admission gates close 30-60 minutes prior to fair closing

hours subject to change

Looking for an interesting Arizona road trip?

Click on the Arizona Travel category box for lots of interesting ideas. This state is amazing. Check it out.

If you like this website, please tell a friend. Share the link so that others may be able to take advantage of the content.

Upcoming Event(s) and Activities -

Movie Matinee Schedule - Maricopa Community/Senior Center - Fridays at 1 p.m., FREE

Come and watch a movie with friends. You are welcome to bring your own snack and drink to enjoy during the movie.

It's time for the annual Renaissance Faire - Saturdays, Sundays, and Presidents Day Monday from February 1 - March 30, 2025, 10:00am to 6:00pm, Open Rain or Shine

Saturday, March 8th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Garden Gurus offered by the Pinal County Master Gardeners at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center

Master Gardeners pepper plant picture

Just how DOES your garden grow, Maricopa?? Pinal County Master Gardeners come to the Maricopa Library the second Saturday of the month with some great resources for your Arizona gardening challenges. From flowers to trees to food crops, get the lowdown on how to help your greenery survive and thrive in our specifically challenging environment. The program takes a hiatus in June, July and August, so be sure to get in on a session while the planting season is going strong.

This month's topic: Weeds

To register for this event:

Saturday, March 8th from 2-4 p.m. at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center, author Laura Olivieri will present the 4th lecture in the Maricopa ARTS 2025 winter lecture series.

Image: Book - Where are You? A Child's Book about loss.

She has published a book titled Where Are You: A Child's Book About Loss. Besides being a musician and author, Olivieri is also a prize-winning slam poet, videographer and agricultural specialist. She is well-known locally as the director of Maricopa Music Circle chamber orchestra and a key member of the city's Arts Advisory Committee. Olivieri has been on the cover of an issue of InMaricopa magazine.

Saturday, March 8th, Ak-Chin Theater 5 - 8 p.m., Black Maricopa Chamber of Commerce Copa Gospel Music Celebration, featuring Maricopa Choirs from all denominations

Copa Gospel Celebration

The 67th annual Cactus Fly-in and Hot Rod Show, Saturday, March 8th at the Casa Grande Municipal Airport

67th Annual Cactus Fly-in and Car Show

Gates open to the Public 8:00 am Saturday, March 8th, 2025

Food and Beverage trucks on site all day. Full access to the aircraft ramp for viewing Classic and antique aircraft and Classic cars and Hot Rods.


5:00 pm: Catered Italian banquet held at Runway 5 Cafe inside the Casa Grande Airport Terminal Building. $30.00 Tickets on Sale now. Menu to include meat lasagna and marry me chicken plus all the fixings. Seating is limited, so get your tickets early.

Banquet tickets: 303-908-0962

Tuesday, March 11th, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. - Meet & Greet at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

This is a great chance to socialize and meet some fellow seniors that are living here in Maricopa, all while enjoying a free donut and coffee.

Central Arizona College will host the annual Empty Bowls event on Tuesday, March 11, 2025, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Signal Peak Campus, N building south patio (8470 N. Overfield Road, Coolidge, AZ 85128).

Central Arizona College - Empty bowls event

Empty Bowls is a worldwide grass roots initiative that began in 1990 to help fight hunger. CAC ceramists create food safe; stoneware bowls and the CAC Culinary Arts students serve a simple meal of soup, bread, dessert and beverage.

For a minimum donation of $15 cash, guests may choose a bowl to use and keep, as a reminder that there are always empty bowls in the world. A selection of different soups, desserts and beverages will be available. Proceeds benefit local food banks.

Tuesday, March 11th, 1:30 p.m. at the Maricopa Community Center - Coffee with Friends, FREE

Formerly known as Friends of the Library, now Coffee with Friends invites everyone to enjoy a chance to get to know your neighbors! Come socialize with the best!

Wednesday, March 12th, 10 a.m., AL-ANON - New Beginnings, Maricopa Library, 18160 N Maya Angelou Dr.

March 12th - 16th: Pinal County Fair

Pinal County Fair

For detail information: General Info

Thursday, March 13th at 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m., Chamber of Commerce Breakfast at Global Water Maricopa

Thursday, March 13th, 1 -2 p.m., Grief Journey at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

Support group for the bereaved. Please contact Monica White, MSW at 520-421-7143 or for more information.

Thursday, March 13th, 7 p.m., AL-ANON - Strength and Hope, Community of Hope Church, 45295 W Honeycutt Ave.

Thursday, March 13th, 12:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., East Valley Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America monthly meeting

Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 East Riggs Rd, Sun Lakes, AZ, Classroom #1

Logo image for the Hearing Loss Association of America

For more information contact:

Ron Tallman, 480-882-8972,

Roz Siebold, 520-548-2550,

Friday, March 15th, Blood Pressure Clinic, 10:30-11:00 a.m. at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

Join us on the 2nd Friday of every month as we invite Nurse Erin to the Community Center to offer free blood pressure checks. No registration is required.

March 14 -16 & March 21 - 23: Chandler Chamber of Commerce Annual Ostrich Festival

Chandler Chamber Ostrich Festival

The Chandler Chamber Ostrich Festival is part of Chandler’s recent history, but it is based on the colorful early history of ostrich ranching, which included raising these unusual creatures within the city limits. Check out some highlights of the festival that’s dedicated to the culture and nostalgia of these ostriches.

For more information about this popular event: Home - The Chandler Chamber Ostrich Festival

Friday-Sunday, March 14-16, Rawhide Home & Backyard Show - at the Rawhide Event Center

Save the date for the Rawhide Home & Backyard Show, coming to Chandler, AZ, on Mar 14th – 16th, 2025. Held at the Rawhide Event Center this event offers a comprehensive look into home and outdoor living trends.

Don't miss this chance to discover new ideas and connect with experts in the field. Whether you're looking to spruce up your home or enhance your outdoor lifestyle, the Rawhide Home & Backyard Show has something for everyone. Join us for a weekend of inspiration, innovation, and excitement!


  • Friday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
  • Saturday: 10:00am - 5:00pm
  • Sunday: 10:00am - 5:00pm


$5.00 for 13 & Over
$3.00 for Military
12 & Under Free
Seniors 65 & Over Free all-day Friday

Location: Rawhide Event Center

5244 S 48th St
Chandler, AZ 85226

It's time for the annual Renaissance Faire - Saturdays, Sundays, and Presidents Day Monday from February 1 - March 30, 2025, 10:00am to 6:00pm, Open Rain or Shine

Saturday, March 15th, Maricopa Library 1-4 p.m., Black Maricopa Chamber of Commerce Financial Literacy Series - Tax Preparation & Laws

Saturday, March 15th at 9:00 a.m. - 11 a.m., Permaculture and Ask a Master Gardener, FREE

Event by Pinal County - Maricopa Master Gardeners at MAC, 37860 W Smith-Enke Rd., Maricopa, AZ 85138

University of Arizona- Maricopa Agricultural Center aerial picture

Learn about permaculture. Stay after the talk to have your questions answered by MAC Master Gardeners.

Saturday, March 15th from 10 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. - Vintage Car Show at First Baptist Church Sun Lakes parking lot

This Vintage Car Show and Sun Lakes Fire Department Fundraiser will be held at 9535 East Riggs Road, Sun Lakes, AZ

Sun Lakes Vintage Car Show flyer

Temporary tattoos for the kids. Lunch available for purchase. Spider-Man and Elsa will be there! Chili cook off!

There is a $20 donation fee for car entries, which includes a free lunch. All proceeds go to the fire department.

Live DJ on site. And so much more. Bring your car, bring your grand kids, bring your family!

Tuesday, March 18th, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. - Meet & Greet at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

This is a great chance to socialize and meet some fellow seniors that are living here in Maricopa, all while enjoying a free donut and coffee.

Tuesday, March 18th, 1:30 p.m. at the Maricopa Community Center - Coffee with Friends, FREE

Formerly known as Friends of the Library, now Coffee with Friends invites everyone to enjoy a chance to get to know your neighbors! Come socialize with the best!

Wednesday, March 19th, Caregiver's-Dementia or Alzheimer's Support Group, 10-11:30 a.m. at the Community Center., FREE

A safe supportive environment where you can share your experiences and encourage other caregivers in their journey

Wednesday, March 19th, 10 a.m., AL-ANON - New Beginnings, Maricopa Library, 18160 N Maya Angelou Dr.

Al-Anon Family Groups logo

Wednesday, March 19th, 9 a.m.-12:00 p.m., The Longest Day - Bringing Awareness to Alzheimer's & Dementia Fundraiser

Location: Palm Creek Resort & Residences - Cottonwood Complex Room, 1110 N. Verbena Henness Rd., Casa Grande, AZ 85122

Hosted by All About Placement & Seniors Helping Seniors East Valley.

Six Education and Awareness featured speakers & Sponsors. Free lunch provided.

Check the following flyer for more information:

The Longest Day event flyerDownload

Thursday, March 20th, 7 p.m., AL-ANON - Strength and Hope, Community of Hope Church, 45295 W Honeycutt Ave.

Thursday, March 20th, Lunch and Learn, at the Maricopa Community Center from 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m., Speaker: Jason Robertson of the Community Action Human Resource Agency (CAHRA), $5 (if you order lunch)

Registration is required 48 hours prior to the event if you would like lunch. Lunches are ordered through Sprouts. Registrations are through ActiveNet.

Learn about CAHRA's Senior Community Services, Resources and many more services.

NOTE: If you want to just listen to the speaker, you can arrive at 11:30 a.m. No registration is necessary and there is no fee.

For more information on CAHRA: Home

NOTE: Lunch & Learn events are now on the 3rd THURSDAY of every month instead of on the 3rd Friday.

Thursday, March 20th, 1 -2 p.m., Grief Journey at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

Support group for the bereaved. Please contact Monica White, MSW at 520-421-7143 or for more information.

It's time for the annual Renaissance Faire - Saturdays, Sundays, and Presidents Day Monday from February 1 - March 30, 2025, 10:00am to 6:00pm, Open Rain or Shine

Saturday, March 22nd form 2-4 p.m., Navajo weaver Tiffany Yazzie will be the 5th and final speaker of the Maricopa ARTS Council 2025 winter lecture series at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center.

Yazzie comes from a family of weavers and says that her art is "an endeavor to preserve family tradition and a connection to those who have taught me." Her works are inspired by vivid color combinations where she uses traditional as well as her own contemporary designs. Yazzie's textiles can take anywhere from 10 to 200 hours to weave, and she typically does not sketch the design before beginning to weave. Yazzie was also on of MAC's 2024 Abstract Art Contest winners.

Tiffany Yazzie - Weaver/artist

Saturday, March 22nd at 5:30 p.m. at Harrah's Ak-Chin - the annual Dancing for our Stars competition!

"This event, benefiting the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Sun Corridor, brings together the communities of Casa Grande and Maricopa under one charitable cause, pulling from both towns' rosters of local politicians, business owners, celebrities and professional dancers to craft exciting and entertaining teams for spectators' enjoyment."

For more information on the teams, judges and the voting process, please see the following article from the Maricopa Monitor by Staff Writer Kenny Quayle: Dancing for our Stars to return for another season | News |

Dancing for the Stars photograph from the Maricopa Monitor

Tuesday, March 25th, from 10:00-11:00 a.m. - Meet & Greet at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

This is a great chance to socialize and meet some fellow seniors that are living here in Maricopa, all while enjoying a free donut and coffee.

Tuesday, March 25th, 1:30 p.m. at the Maricopa Community Center - Coffee with Friends, FREE

Formerly known as Friends of the Library, now Coffee with Friends invites everyone to enjoy a chance to get to know your neighbors! Come socialize with the best!

Wednesday, March 26th, 10 a.m., AL-ANON - New Beginnings, Maricopa Library, 18160 N Maya Angelou Dr.

Thursday, March 27th, 7 p.m., AL-ANON - Strength and Hope, Community of Hope Church, 45295 W Honeycutt Ave.

Thursday, March 27th, 10:00-11:00 a.m. at the Community Center - Budgeting 101, FREE, Speaker: Lois Gonchar (local budget expert).

Come learn helpful budgeting tips and so much more from local budget expert, Lois Gonchar, Registration is Required

Also on Thursday, March 27th, at 1:00 p.m. at the Maricopa Community Center - the world-famous Bingo with Dan!

This untraditional bingo is sure to have you giggling while shouting out "BINGO!" Join us on the 4th Thursday of every month with this one-of-a-kind white elephant bingo!

Preventative Health and Wellness Session #1 (Nutrition)from 11:00am-12:00pm on Thursday, March 27th at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

Hosted by The Maricopa Fire Department and Northern Arizona University’s Public Health Program. Come learn tips on nutrition, how nutrition effects health, and examples of healthy recipes. This will be the first series out of a total of three sessions. The two additional sessions will be taking place in April.

Registration required.

Thursday, March 27th, 1-2 p.m., Grief Journey at the Maricopa Community Center, FREE

Support group for the bereaved. Please contact Monica White, MSW at 520-421-7143 or for more information.

Friday, March 28th, Maricopa Historical Society, Field Trip Friday - Pinal County Museum

Pinal County Museum

It's time for the annual Renaissance Faire - Saturdays, Sundays, and Presidents Day Monday from February 1 - March 30, 2025, 10:00am to 6:00pm, Open Rain or Shine

Saturday, March 29th from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Friends of the Library big Spring Sale!

Book shelf image
Friends of the Library future book sales are also scheduled for the following Saturdays:
  • May 10, 2025 - Mini Sale #2
  • July 26, 2025 - Mini Sale #3
  • September 20, 2025 - Mini Sale #4
  • November 15, 2025 - FALL SALE (BIG sale!)

Cash or debit/credit cards accepted

NOTE: The Book Nook is open daily during Library hours. (Pay at the cash box in the book nook)

Saturday, March 29th, the Southwest Taco Fest, 3-9 p.m. at the Dave White Regional Park – 2121 N Thorton Rd, Casa Grande, AZ 85122

Taco image

The Southwest Taco Fest is a celebration of food, music and family fun. Entertainment is a big part of the event. The featured performers are McBride & The Ride.

For more information about the event and tickets: Taco Fest 2025 - Experience Casa Grande

Wild West Music Fest returning to Maricopa - April 4-6, 2025, at Copper Sky Regional Park!

This collaboration between the city and Steve LeVine Entertainment & Public Relations is a family-friendly festival that will once again feature national and local entertainment, a variety of carnival rides and games, food trucks, interactive activities and more. This time we will also see an expanded carnival area offering more options for attendees.

Wild West Music Fest 2025

"This event offers a fantastic opportunity to unite our community, support local businesses and enhance Maricopa's reputation as an exciting destination for visitors," said Mayor Nancy Smith. "Our goal is to promote all of the many wonderful things we enjoy in Maricopa, encouraging visitors to shop locally and see all Maricopa has to offer while creating lasting memories for our residents."

Organizers have announced that reggae singer and rapper Sean Kingston will headline the first night of music, which will revolve around hip-hop. On Saturday, country superstar Leann Rimes will head the program and on Sunday, the festival will feature Arizona talent.

Tickets are available at Home - Wild West Music Fest and anyone who wants to stay up to date with the latest about Wild West Music Fest can follow the festival on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Tik Tok.

Tickets for the first two days of the festival are on sale now for $30 for adults while Sunday tickets are only $15. Tickets for children ages 5-12 are $15 and $5 respectively. Three-day passes are also on sale for $60 for adults and $30 for children. In addition, there are tickets on sale for carnival rides, with different bundles available.

Monday, April 7th at 10 a.m., Preventative Health & Wellness Workshop #2, FREE

The 2nd of a three-part series being held at the Maricopa Community Center, 41614 W. Smith Enke Rd., Ste #100m Maricopa, AZ 85138

Fitness - Explore fitness essentials, recommended standards and exercise demonstrations to keep your body moving.

Jointly sponsored by Northern Arizona University and Maricopa Fire & Medical.

Registration Required

Monday, April 7th, 5 p.m. at the Maricopa Library - Maricopa Historical Society monthly meeting

Guest speaker - Christian Price - Maricopa Forward

Image - Christian Price

Monday, April 10th at 1 p.m., Preventative Health & Wellness Workshop #3, FREE

The 3rd of a three-part series being held at the Maricopa Community Center, 41614 W. Smith Enke Rd., Ste #100m Maricopa, AZ 85138

Mental Health - Discover how relationships, nutrition and fitness support mental health. Learn how to combat isolation and grief.

Jointly sponsored by Northern Arizona University and Maricopa Fire & Medical.

Registration required.

Thursday, April 10th, 12:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., East Valley Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America monthly meeting

Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 East Riggs Rd, Sun Lakes, AZ, Classroom #1

Logo image for the Hearing Loss Association of America

For more information contact:

Ron Tallman, 480-882-8972,

Roz Siebold, 520-548-2550,

Saturday, April 12th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Garden Gurus offered by the Pinal County Master Gardeners at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center

Maricopa Master Gardeners picture of vegetables

Just how DOES your garden grow, Maricopa?? Pinal County Master Gardeners come to the Maricopa Library the second Saturday of the month with some great resources for your Arizona gardening challenges. From flowers to trees to food crops, get the lowdown on how to help your greenery survive and thrive in our specifically challenging environment. The program takes a hiatus in June, July and August, so be sure to get in on a session while the planting season is going strong.

This month's topic: Flower Basics

To register for this event:

Saturday, April 12th at 2 p.m., AZ Speaks: The History & Culture of the Tohono O'odham

Welcome sign to the TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION

Redwood Room at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center, 18160 N Maya Angelou Dr., Maricopa, AZ 85138

Long before our urban centers and city lights lit up the dark desert skies, the Tohono O'odham were cultivating and shaping the land with abundant agriculture---from squash and beans to corn and cotton. For generations they passed down their rich knowledge and culture grown from their connection to the desert.

Sponsored by AZ HUMANITIES - Read. Think. Grow.

For more information: AZ Speaks: The History & Culture of the Tohono O’odham - Pinal County Library District

THURSDAY, April 17th, Lunch & Learn from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. - New City developments and updates with Rodolpho (Rudy) Lopez of the Maricopa Development Services

Learn about new City developments and services for 2025. For more information about the activities of the City of Maricopa Development Services: Development Services | Maricopa, AZ

Registration is Required 72 hours prior to the event if you would like lunch. Go to ActiveNet to register. The cost of lunch is $5.00 and will be provided by Sprouts.

If you want to just listen to the speaker, arrive at 11:30 a.m., no registration is necessary and there is no fee.

NOTE: Lunch & Learn events are now on the 3rd THURSDAY of every month instead of on the 3rd Friday.

Saturday, April 19th - Fountain Park in Fountain Hills for the 11th annual Concours in the Hills event!

Concours in the Park - Fountain Hills, AZ

Often called the Greatest Car Show on Grass! We hope you will join us for a day of great cars, food and music in the spectacular setting of Fountain Park. Attendance is free, but donations are welcome.

Cars come from all over Arizona, California, Nevada and New Mexico to participate. The event is supported by leading car clubs of Arizona representing Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, McLaren, Corvette, Viper, Ford GT, Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Mustang, Jaguar, Cadillac, Lotus, and others.

For more information about this unique event: Concours in the Hills

Friday, April 25th - Maricopa Historical Society Field Trip Friday - TBA

Monday, May 5th at 5 p.m. in the Maricopa Library - Maricopa Historical Society monthly meeting

Guest speaker: The Gud Ark Staff

Maricopa Historical Society logo

Thursday, May 8th, 12:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., East Valley Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America monthly meeting

Sun Lakes United Methodist Church, 9248 East Riggs Rd, Sun Lakes, AZ, Classroom #1

Logo image for the Hearing Loss Association of America

For more information contact:

Ron Tallman, 480-882-8972,

Roz Siebold, 520-548-2550,

Saturday, May 10th from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Garden Gurus offered by the Pinal County Master Gardeners at the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center

Pinal County Master Gardeners picture of vegetables

Just how DOES your garden grow, Maricopa?? Pinal County Master Gardeners come to the Maricopa Library the second Saturday of the month with some great resources for your Arizona gardening challenges. From flowers to trees to food crops, get the lowdown on how to help your greenery survive and thrive in our specifically challenging environment. The program takes a hiatus in June, July and August, so be sure to get in on a session while the planting season is going strong.

To register for this event:

Saturday, May 10th from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Friends of the Library Mini Sale #2

Bookshelf image
Friends of the Library future book sales are also scheduled for the following Saturdays:
  • July 26, 2025 - Mini Sale #3
  • September 20, 2025 - Mini Sale #4
  • November 15, 2025 - FALL SALE (BIG sale!)

Cash or debit/credit cards accepted

NOTE: The Book Nook is open daily during Library hours. (Pay at the cash box in the book nook)

THURSDAY, May 15th, Lunch & Learn from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.- Better Money Habits - Zachary Webb of Thrivent

Learn how to build healthier financial habits and more.

Registration is Required 72 hours prior to the event if you would like lunch. Go to ActiveNet to register. The cost of lunch is $5.00 and will be provided by Sprouts.

If you want to just listen to the speaker, arrive at 11:30 a.m., no registration is necessary and there is no fee.

NOTE: Lunch & Learn events are now on the 3rd THURSDAY of every month instead of on the 3rd Friday.

Friday, May 23rd, Maricopa Historical Society Field Trip Friday - TBA

Monday, June 2nd, 5 p.m. at the Maricopa Library - Monthly meeting of the Maricopa Historical Society

Guest speaker: TBA

Maricopa Historical Society logo

Saturday, June 7th, Maricopa Library 1-4 p.m., Black Maricopa Chamber of Commerce Financial Literacy Series - The Importance of Life & Health Insurance

THURSDAY, June 19th, Lunch & Learn from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.- Meet the Mayor - Mayor Nancy Smith of Maricopa

Learn new city updates and helpful information from the mayor.

Mayor Nancy Smith

Registration is Required 72 hours prior to the event if you would like lunch. Go to ActiveNet to register. The cost of lunch is $5.00 and will be provided by Sprouts.

If you want to just listen to the speaker, arrive at 11:30 a.m., no registration is necessary and there is no fee.

NOTE: Lunch & Learn events are now on the 3rd THURSDAY of every month instead of on the 3rd Friday.

Friday, June 27th (and the rest of summer) - NO Maricopa Historical Society Field Trip Fridays

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This site is owned and managed by Ron Smith