Home Checklist

Home Checklists provide detailed information regarding potential safety hazards in and around a home that should be corrected to allow the occupants to live a comfortable and safe life in their own home. These changes allow occupants an opportunity to age in place.

Stylish Home Updates That Make Aging Easier

AARP is a great source of information for seniors. One of the major areas of focus has always been on Aging-in-Place.

Check out this recent article that "explains how large and small renovations, stylish updates and space reconfigurations can improve safety and quality of life — allowing you to live more comfortably now and into the future.​"

Preventing Falls at Home: Room by Room

Many falls happen at home, where we spend much of our time and tend to move around without thinking about our safety. There are many changes you can make to your home that will help prevent falls and better ensure your safety.

HomeFit Guide

A free publication (available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese) featuring smart ways to make a home comfortable, safe and a great fit for older adults — and people of all ages.

This is where you start your Aging-in-Place journey and help protect yourself and family members from unnecessary falls or other injuries.

Can be viewed online, downloaded or ordered as a hardcopy document from AARP.


Check out the following YouTube video for a brief introduction into the concepts promoted through the HomeFit Guide.

HomeFit Webinar Tour (youtube.com)

NCOA Adviser - Home Safety for Older Adults: A Comprehensive Guide 2024

A guide on home safety for older adults, with a printable checklist to help assess your home for risks.

"Key Takeaways

  • Prevent falls and other accidents by taking precautions and making safety modifications in the home.
  • When assessing your home’s safety, consider going room-by-room with our comprehensive checklist to ensure you find all potential hazards.
  • Many safety modifications can be made to your home that are affordable and easy to do yourself."

"As we age, our homes should continue to be a place where we feel safe, secure, and comfortable. But research shows the exact opposite is sometimes true.

A 2014 study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found 28.7% of adults over the age of 65 reported falling at least once in the last 12 months.1 Another study by the Hospital for Special Surgery found 60% of falls happen in the home.2 To help prevent falls and other accidents, you can make safety modifications to your environment and eliminate common hazards."

This extremely useful guide is presented by the National Council on Aging (NCOA). NCOA is one of the most recognized authorities on resources and support for the aging process. Check out this guide and take advantage of the fall prevention recommendations and home safety checklists. Click on the following link to access this important and useful information.

Check for Safety - A Home Prevention Checklist for Older Adults

To help avoid falls, use this checklist to find and fix hazards in your home.

Your Home Checklist for Aging in Place

Start with small projects and anticipate future needs.

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