Arts and Culture in Maricopa

The City of Maricopa is bubbling with Arts Initiatives and insights into various community cultures. Check out the emerging richness of our community! If you don't yet see what you are hoping to find, help to promote the experiences that you think should be shared! The beauty of a new community is that you get to help shape it!

Quilting Divas

Quilting Divas

This group typically meets at the Community/Senior Center on the 1st Friday of each month from 9:00 - 12:30 p.m.

Share the love and joy of quilting through demos, speakers, challenges, community projects, trips and parties.


Arts and Culture

"Although there is no central location for the arts in Maricopa, there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy cultural events in the city. Three dedicated spaces feature artwork from local artists of various media. Musical, theatrical, dance and chorale performances are also a cultural staple in Maricopa and are curated by local artistic organizations."

A January 2020 article from InMaricopa magazine regarding the Arts in the City of Maricopa. A little out of date, but it does provide some insights into the Arts Culture in this city.

Orchestra, Chorus Reschedule Spring Concert

"The Maricopa Music Circle and Maricopa Chorus are fighting their way back to the stage after a difficult spring session that resulted in the postponement of their performance for the first time in their 13-year history.

The orchestra and chorus rescheduled their concert to Saturday, May 6, at Leading Edge Academy, 18700 N. Porter Road."

An article from a May 2023 issue of InMaricopa magazine documenting the persistence of these two groups against all odds to finally perform their joint concert.

Wild Horses Live Free and Protected in Arizona as Symbol of West

Home, home on the Arizona range, where the wild horses and burros play.

"It’s not the first thing you might think of when you come to the county (for many it tends to be a pleasant surprise), but Pinal is home to wild horses.

According to information at Wild Horse Pass Casino, operated by the Gila River Indian Community, there are about 1,500 wild horses across GRIC lands. The community actively protects these horses since they’re on tribal land."

This information packed article was written by Pinal Ways Staff Writer Kimlye Stager and published in the March 2023 issue. The article provides considerable insight into the history of these horses first introduced to the area in the 1500s by Spanish explorers. They're part of our culture and touch the hearts of many local residents.

They are a symbol of this website to explore and thrive!

Check out the website link. I think that you will find it interesting!

Alterra welcomes colorful new residents.

Second batch of wild horses are installed in Alterra!

"Do you see a new splash of color near Alterra?

Three new “wild horses” — equine statues decorated by local artists — were installed at West Alterra and North John Wayne Parkways yesterday morning."

Check out the newest installation from the City Manager's Wild Horse art initiative. This installation is special in that it is a multi-horse installation. Check out the details in a July 24th InMaricopa article written by Brian Petersheim Jr. a Multimedia Journalist.

Maricopa Women in Art

This group only has a Facebook site: (10) Maricopa Women In Art | Facebook

They are an informal social group.


Getting the most out of your desert memories.

"Living in Maricopa has its advantages, and one of the biggest might be the scenery we all get to take in on a day-to-day basis. The Sonoran Desert can be a lot of things: hot, dangerous, desolate and beautiful.

Sometimes, that beauty serves as inspiration to take photos. It’s difficult, though, to ensure images reflect the emotion felt taking in a landscape in person.

Which is why InMaricopa chatted with some of the city’s most accomplished photographers for their inspiration and tips on how to get the most out of our photos.

Lending their expertise were Jack Jackson, Michael Feigenbaum and InMaricopa staffers Bryan Mordt and Monica D. Spencer."

This article from the July 2023 issue of InMaricopa Magazine provides insight into the process of gathering a good image. A good read for those of us struggling to capture that special image.

Celebrating freedom, resilience: Maricopa community members reflect on the lasting influence of Juneteenth

"Juneteenth. It’s an amalgamation of the words “June” and “nineteenth.” Today is a celebration of freedom, culture and resilience for many in the African American community. It’s a period of education and reflection of the country’s complicated history for Americans at large.

Juneteenth is a day that commemorates the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the U.S. on June 19, 1865. On that day, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger issued a legal decree that enforced the Emancipation Proclamation upon his arrival in Galveston, Texas. There, roughly 250,000 people were still living under slavery in the formerly confederate state."

"For the holiday’s 158th anniversary, InMaricopa asked community members to reflect on why Juneteenth continues to stand as a notable holiday in Maricopa."

The article from a June 2023 issue of InMaricopa Magazine provides multiple insights into the importance of this holiday. The personal insights from several Maricopa residents that many of us know helps to add meaning that we might not have otherwise acquired. An important read!

ASU Gammage Theatre - Tempe

ASU Gammage

An architectural landmark, a home for the arts

"I am so proud to be able to lead ASU Gammage and have been fortunate to see our programs grow and audiences grow with us. We continue to present the best of Broadway as well as an array of artists from across the globe in all artistic disciplines through the ASU Gammage Beyond series and our programming at ASU Kerr Cultural Center."

Colleen Jennings-Roggensack
ASU Vice President for Cultural Affairs

Although not in Maricopa, the offerings provided by the ASU Gammage Theatre are not far away and bring Broadway theatre to our doorsteps. Check out their offerings and enjoy some excellent theatre in a remarkable facility! Upper balcony tickets and season tickets are quite affordable!

Sisterhood of the Traveling Quilts

Sisterhood of the Traveling Quilts

This group typically meets in the City of Maricopa Community/Senior Center on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month from 9:00 - 1:30 p.m.

Like-minded quilters gather here for fellowship and inspiration. Learn new quilting skills and techniques while working on charitable projects for the community and fellow local organizations. Beginners and accomplished quilters are welcomed. Please come join them for fun!

Their Facebook link is: (11) Sisterhood of the Traveling Quilts - Maricopa, AZ | Facebook


DSPA Gems. Inc. - Desert Sun Performing Arts

A non-profit bringing the art of dance to the community.

"DSPA Gems was founded in 2009 with the purpose of enriching the Maricopa community with the arts.

Our three main goals include community outreach, dance for special needs children and tuition assistance for families who cannot afford dance education. The Gems have awarded over $20,000 to families of children who wish to dance, held numerous community events including Daddy Daughter Dance, Mother Son Dance, Mother-Daughter Tea, and Sugar Plum Tea."

"In addition, DSPA Gems has been able to reach thousands of Maricopa children in public schools through a free dance class with our community outreach program."

Check out their website and media links to learn more.

United Sound

Our mission: to remove barriers and foster social change through music.




  1. Secondary music teachers receive little to no training
  2. No extra time or staffing to devote to a new population
  3. Lack of specialized curriculum


  1. United Sound provides teacher and student training modules
  2. United Sound utilizes peer mentors to create a student led music chapter
  3. The United Sound curriculum includes method books, lesson plans, how-to videos, and more!

Our goal is to support individual music educators in creating their own United Sound ensembles through training, support, specialized curriculum, and organizational resources.

Check out this website for more information on how this program addresses an important educational deficiency with a very creative program. Very interesting.


Mail to: 1136 E. Harmony, Ste. 201, Mesa, AZ 85204


Maricopa Historical Society debuts Black History exhibit Saturday.

"The Maricopa Historical Society will debut a presentation featuring prominent Black figures since the city’s establishment in 2003 this Saturday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The public is invited to view the 20-minute video presentation, accompanied by live jazz and gospel music at the museum, 44240 Maricopa-Casa Grande Hwy.

The idea originated from Paul Shirk and Jim Irving while enjoying coffee on the library porch. However, it took months of planning, research and meetings with local community members to pull it together."

“Maricopa has a rich tapestry of people and a beautiful blend of residents that make us wealthy at heart,” Chrystal O’Jon said.

This April 2023 article from InMaricopa Magazine documents a team effort that "recognized the significance of sharing Black history with Maricopa." This was a very successful project that was well executed and enjoyed.

Learn with Aloha LLC

The owners of Learn with Aloha LLC after moving to Maricopa felt the need to teach their culture as a way of giving back to their new community. They desired to teach their culture and keep it alive in their family. See interview in Maricopa Lifestyle Magazine (Quarter 2 - June 2023) with Janelle Gomez.

Their school offers Hawaiian Cultural Educational Classes and workshops including Hula and other related courses.


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Maricopa Arts Council

The Maricopa ARTS Council

Mission: Founded in early 2013 by Maricopa’s creative community as an independent entity established to coordinate, promote, and support Arts events and creative expression in our city by both Arts organizations and Artists across the \entire artistic spectrum in their continuing search for excellence. And to enhance the quality of life in our city and region, plus raise local consciousness concerning the many ways in which an active creative sector enriches its host community by working to increase public access to the Arts live.

  • In short: Do much (with little available) to promote and increase the presence and impact of the city’s Arts and Artists on community consciousness.
  • MAC has introduced the following Arts events to the City of Maricopa for the first time — and most of them have now become welcomed favorites every year:

►Poetry Slams

►Studio Crawls

► ‘Inside the Creative Mind’ lecture series

►Group Artists’ Galleries

►Young Choreographers Competition

► Silent Reading Parties

►Online Abstract Art Contest

Maricopa Music Circle

Maricopa Music Circle

"Co-founded in Fall 2009 by Judith Lang Zaimont, pianist, Genevieve Ehrbright, violin, and Mary Mullarky, cello. Performing primarily within Maricopa and surrounding locales, MMC has since grown from a small ensemble to a conductor less Chamber Orchestra of skilled musicians playing arrangements tailored especially for our instrumentation. Our programs always range widely and include everything from full orchestral works to classical instrumental and vocal solos, along with traditional seasonal music, popular tunes, and great standards from the big-band era to the present."

Check the website for more information.

Russia native finds home, family in America.

Mari Leanna Emily remembers the struggle of making it to America from Russia.

"At age 13, she left the Russian orphanage where she spent her formative years, adopted by a family that brought her to the United States. Her journey to America was a mix of excitement and apprehension as she left everything behind, including friends, caretakers and teachers."

This story was written by Cameron Jobson, an InMaricopa reporter and first published in the July edition of InMaricopa Magazine.

Check the website for the complete story.

TikTok chef shares love of food and culture — with millions of fans

"Shortly after their children leave for school, Ana Regalado and her husband, Ricardo, begin cooking and setting up filming equipment in their Maricopa kitchen. Lights and tripods sit on a countertop along with neatly placed décor and ingredients."

"On this day, Regalado prepares potato taquitos and sopa de fideo, a tomato-based noodle soup. It’s a simple, meat-free dish that is savory and filling.

She smiles for the camera as she goes through multiple takes pouring the soup, sprinkling cheese and presenting the dish to film a one-minute video for her TikTok channel, Salty Cocina."

Regalado may still be shy to talk, but each week she welcomes 2.5 million subscribers into her Maricopa Meadows home to teach them how to prepare a variety of Mexican dishes. She has gained attention on a local and national scale, finding herself featured on the “Today Show” and in The Oprah Magazine.

This article from a 2023 issue of InMaricopa magazine introduces us to our own TikTok channel celebrity chef who has introduced millions to her food and culture. This is a fascinating story of passion, talent and hard work that has taken on a life of its own! Congratulations! Enjoy. A great story.

"Salty Cocina is a family affair.

It’s usually a team effort,” Regalado said, motioning to her husband. “He does the recording and I do the cooking. It works out really well.”

Jack Jackson uses photography to let others see the world as he sees it.

"Jack Jackson was 6 years old when he took his first photograph.

He was on a family vacation in Colorado and hiking in a canyon when he spotted an image he wanted to capture on film. The sun was glistening on a crystal blue stream, and he remembers pointing the camera and taking his first shot.

It was that moment, he recalls, when he fell in love with photography."

A recent article from Pinal Central by Melissa St. Aude a staff writer focused on Jack Jackson a very talented Maricopa photographer on July 21st. Jack was also recently featured in InMaricopa Magazine. Take a look at this interesting article of this Maricopa visual artist. I have one of his images in my own house!

The camera can be very addicting! But capturing that special image is greatly satisfying. If you run into Jack at a local show, take a look at his work and you will understand!

Church gives new life to powerful InMaricopa story.

"Maricopa Church of Celebration hosted a viewing of an evocative InMaricopa interview with Holocaust survivor Lea Stockhammer this morning.

Dozens of locals filled a lecture room in the Maricopa Library and Cultural Center.

The 34-minute interview InMaricopa first published last year expanded on Stockhammer’s experience as a 5-year-old Jewish child in Yugoslavia during World War II."

"We have the opportunity to remember that the stories we read in the pages of our history books happened to real people,” Gores said. “Their stories and their experiences need to carried on … so that we can avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.”

InMaricopa reporter, Monica Spencer, reports on this event in her July 20, 2023, article on this event.

Maricopa Arts Council's creativity season starts in August.

"MARICOPA — The Maricopa Arts Council invites the community to participate in their “dynamic” ARTS season starting in August.

According to a MAC press release, almost every weekend there are special events from dance performances, theater, galleries, music, studio crawls, open-mic showcases, arts marketplaces, poetry slams, abstract art competitions and more.

Kicking off this creative season is the free artist’s town hall on Aug. 10 at the Maricopa Library from 5:30-6:45 p.m.

This July 2023 article from the Maricopa Monitor by Kimlye Stager, a staff writer, carries the recently announced MAC press release describing the Fall schedule. There are events and activities almost every weekend!

Quilters Bring Fabric to Life (re. the Quilting Divas)

This group is called the Quilting Divas and they often meet at the City of Maricopa Community/Senior Center.

This is an article from an October 2021 issue of InMaricopa magazine.

City Manager Arts Initiative

"Our city manager believes that for a community to thrive, the arts and all of its different avenues is a critical component. It is also important to create a place that is worthy of our affection. Having a space where we can showcase the talents and diversity of our community allows us to bring in greater economic development, quality of life, and a family atmosphere that the city of Maricopa has fostered throughout its rich history. All of the hard work to enrich our community goes out to our committees, sponsors, volunteers, and of course, our wonderful local artists."

Maricopa Wild Horses Arts Project

"In celebration of the City of Maricopa’s growth, it is important to honor our roots and look to the future. In the early 1800s horse and mule drawn freight trains would pass through the area carrying goods from east to west. The mid 1800s brought the first continental Butterfield Overland Mail Line providing mail service and was the method used for communicating from coast to coast. The Pony Express were young, hardy riders traveling at great speeds by horse delivering catalogs and goods to the doorstep. In the late 1800’s four and six-horse Concord coaches would provide passenger service to and from Phoenix for those arriving by train. To the South, in the early 1900s horse drawn farming instruments where used by our native neighbors whose 16,000 acre Ak-Chin Farm is one of the most successful farming enterprises today. Entering Maricopa from the North passengers can likely find a heard of wild horses roaming the open fields and are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West. In the heart of Maricopa lives the Heritage District. This unique district is generally defined as the “old part” of town where many “horse properties” still exist today. This is why the wild horse is relevant to the City of Maricopa’s History."

Check the website for more information regarding this exciting project.

Stitches for Love

This is a charity-based group who works locally in Maricopa for groups requiring assistance. Enjoy knitting, crocheting, and sewing projects, such as, hats, gloves, and throws to give to the community.

They meet in the Maricopa Community/Senior Center the 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

We share ideas and patterns and enjoy each other's company as we work together to strengthen our community.



Contact: Deb Jay (aka djay)

Handcrafted items/yarn, fabric or monetary donations (for supplies) are appreciated.

Editor: A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

"Last month, I learned a Holocaust survivor was living in our midst here in Maricopa. (Read story here.)

Lea Stockhammer resides in Province, but she’s lived through more history than a library full of books.

There are so many lessons to learn from a woman who has lived such an eventful life, especially during the times in which we now find ourselves."

"There’s a wise saying: Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

Lea is one of the few people on this earth who have lived long enough and has the life experiences to understand the truth that rings out in those words."

On August 6th, 2022, InMaricopa Magazine Editor Justin Griffin introduced the article that he had written on holocaust survivor Lea Stockhammer who lives here in Maricopa with his opening remarks from the editor. This interview had a profound affect on him and those of us who read the article. Check out Justin's feelings on this interview.

Maricopa Friends of the Arts (MFOTA)

"We’re here to help the Arts thrive in Maricopa

MISSION STATEMENT: The Maricopa Friends of the Arts (MFOTA) mission is to be Patrons of the Arts by fostering, promoting and financially supporting art forms in the City of Maricopa and surrounding areas. Maricopa Friends of the Arts recognizes the benefits and joys that art can bring to one’s life. MFOTA will provide artistic experiences at meetings to further promote the arts."

Check out this website to learn more about the Maricopa Friends of the Arts.

4 tribal communities make up a large part of Pinal.

Pinal County is home to four Native American tribal communities.

Check this article from April 2023 that appeared in Pinal Central. It was written by Melissa St Aude a Pinal Central Staff Writer.

Maricopa Community Theatre

Maricopa Community Theatre was formed on January 23, 2010, as the baby of Artistic Director, Carrie Vargas. It stemmed from the desire to direct a local production of “The Importance of Being Earnest.”

She knew that Maricopa had abundant talent, and that being nestled in its location, there is a distance for the community to travel to see quality theatre. It is from that knowledge and experience, that Maricopa Community Theatre was created. MCT has established partnerships with the City of Maricopa Parks and Recreation Division, DSPA Gems, Inc and Maricopa Music Circle, among others, to broaden the scope of theatrical performance in Maricopa.

In 2017, the company shifted into a nonprofit corporation and reimagined what theatre could bring to the community. Through grants, donations and lots of blood, sweat and tears, MCT brings multiple opportunities for theatrical performance to the area. Board members, past and present, as well as community members, and cast/crew, have made Maricopa Community theatre what it is today.

And we look forward to many years of producing quality theatre in Maricopa!

Check out the following website for details on the Maricopa Community Theatre including upcoming performances.

Maricopa Community Theatre

Poll: Readers value the arts as quality-of-life amenity in the community

"In a poll that generated the closest results in recent memory, our weekly reader poll asked, “How vital are the arts to a growing community like Maricopa?”

The votes were nearly evenly divided among our three responses, with just 4.3 percentage points separating them, although responses to the first two questions indicate that 68.8 percent said they appreciate the arts as an amenity in the community."

A January 2023 poll in InMaricopa magazine breaks down the results of a recent resident poll regarding their support level for the arts in the community.

Public arts could be step toward uplifting civic pride, council agrees

"Maricopa City Council gave city staff approval to explore creating a public arts initiative that could yield physical displays and performance arts.

City Chief Financial Officer Matt Kozlowski noted many cities across the Valley also recognize the value of art in creating unique community identities."

“This is so exciting because we have an active, passionate art community in Maricopa of all ages, from our little ones up to our seniors who are engaged in arts,” Councilmember Amber Liermann said. “I see this as a sustainable support for the arts in our city and I’m super excited about this.”

This October 2022 article from InMaricopa covers Council support for the value of community art in the City of Maricopa.

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