Joan's Corner - January 2025 Newsletter
Good morning and Happy New Year Everyone! The January 2025 ..keeping you informed newsletter is included in this email. Also included are articles about the be...
Joan Koczor
A legal document preparer is a professional who assists individuals and entities in preparing legal documents without the supervision of an attorney.
What is a Document Preparer?
"Beginning July 1, 2003, the Arizona Supreme Court has had the Arizona Certified Legal Document Preparer Program. The Program certifies non-attorney legal document preparers in Arizona who provide document preparation assistance and services to individuals and entities not represented by an attorney. Legal document preparers may provide general legal information but may not give legal advice. It allows the general public to get this important work done at a less expensive price, in a more approachable environment.
Document Services and Estate Planning Solutions
"No one is promised tomorrow...
You are taking the first steps to get this process under way. Many individuals, families and business owners procrastinate this very important area of planning. We are humans and have the gift of optimism....Floating down the River of Denial. The common thing we hear when someone speaks with us is "I know we need this done"...and when it's complete, "I feel so much better". None of us are promised tomorrow. You will be surprised how easy the process is after it's complete. Most of our customers are pleasantly surprised that the cost are much lower than they imagined. Don't let the perceived high cost or lack of time get in your way of planning. I assure you that not planning cost much more time and money than just getting it done."
For more information check their website.
"Legal Disclaimer
Premier Estate Planning, LLC is not a law firm and we do not give legal advice. We are a legal document preparer company. No information contained on this website should be construed as legal advice or the practice of law. If you have questions or concerns that require professional legal advice, you should consult an attorney. Premier is under AZCDLP #81648."
Do You Need Help with Legal Services?
"If you have a civil legal problem, we may be able to help. In general, we serve clients who are low income. If you are not sure, please apply and we can check. We do place a high priority on serving victims of crime."
"Our Vision is that all Arizona residents, particularly those within the 33,000 square miles where Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. (SALA) provides legal services, have access to legal, social and economic justice. Further, it is our Vision that all individuals and families in our service area understand the vital role SALA plays in assisting low-income individuals and families."
"Our Mission is to provide quality legal services to people who would not otherwise have equal access to justice, in ways which affirm their individual and collective dignity, integrity, and power."
Non-profit Law Firm
"SALA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public interest law firm, established in 1951, which provides free, civil legal aid to low-income individuals and families in 9 of Arizona’s 15 counties and in 11 of Arizona’s 21 Native American Communities. Since 1951, SALA has been a trusted resource and an effective voice for low-income people in southern and southeastern Arizona."
"We provide civil legal aid. We do not provide help with criminal legal issues. Examples of civil legal issues include: eviction, foreclosure, public benefits denial, guardianship of children in your care, Orders of Protection (restraining order) for victims of domestic violence, divorce and child support issues. Our ability to help depends on the availability of funding and other resources. We are committed to helping as many people as we can, so we encourage you to apply. If we cannot help you directly for any reason, we will suggest other resources in your area."
Check this website for more information.
SALA provides services to people with limited financial means.
If you are eligible, these are the types of services you might receive: legal counseling and advice; limited assistance such as help completing legal documents; self-help classes and clinics; referrals to pro bono attorneys; representation in court. Our ability to help depends on the availability of funding and other resources. We are committed to helping as many people as we can, so we encourage you to apply. If we cannot help you directly for any reason, we will suggest other resources in your area.
Certified Legal Document Preparer
Phoenix, Arizona
Ask our Certified Legal Document Preparer all your Estate and ALTCS Planning Questions.
"Why Choose Cecilia Dabbs and Legal Document Solutions?
Even though Cecilia Dabbs can prepare all types of legal documents, she focuses on two areas. These are Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning.
She has prepared 1000’s of Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, Wills, and Power of Attorneys since she became a Legal Document Preparer Phoenix AZ in 2005.
She subscribes to the same document preparation software that many attorneys do, so your document will be the exactly same document that you would receive from an attorney at a fraction of the cost.
Cecilia Dabbs is also a Certified Medicaid Planner or CMP and has practical working knowledge of Arizona Medicaid or ALTCS, which stands for the Arizona Long-Term Care System. She is able to prepare the Arizona Miller Trust or Income Only Trust when needed.
She is fluent in Spanish, so if your senior age parents came to America when you were very young or not born yet, she can help explain the different legal documents to your Spanish speaking loved ones so they will fully understand the reasons to have them in place."
Check the website for more information.
What are the Roles of Legal Document Preparers in Arizona?
"Legal document preparers in Arizona offer several services to individuals or entities who are engaged in a legal matter while representing themselves in a court of law. However, it is important to understand that AZCLDPs are neither attorneys nor lawyers, and they do not employ attorneys to work for them. AZCLDPs are barred from giving legal opinions, advice, or warrants when it comes to the outcome of a case, but communication with the preparers is still highly confidential, just like any other legal matter.
AZCLDPS practitioners can only offer facts and information regarding legal procedures and the rights entitled to a person or a group. Legal Document Preparers in Arizona are not allowed to make judgments or give their insights. They may just inform on statutes regarding an issue in question."
Arizona's Low-Cost Legal Services Provider
"Our team of legal professionals is committed to excellence. We specialize in fulfilling the needs of the community at an affordable cost. Our offices are conveniently located in the cities of Maricopa and Casa Grande; however, we do provide services throughout the state of Arizona."
Please note: a legal document preparer is not a lawyer, is not employed by a lawyer, and cannot give legal advice. Communications with a legal document preparer are confidential, but they are not privileged.
©2017 by Glover Court Solutions & Estate Planning.
This site is owned and managed by Ron Smith