Assistance for Economically Disadvantaged, Elderly and/or Homebound

Articles or information regarding the services available for economically disadvantaged, elderly and homebound, such as, AHCCCS, DES, and Area Agencies on Aging.

United Way of Pinal County Services

These programs and services are provided thanks to your generous contributions:

The Transportation Assistance program and other resources for Pinal County Residents. The Transportation Assistance Program provides car repairs and bicycles so Pinal County residents can have adequate transportation to get to work.

Check this website for available programs and services.

Promise Arizona (PAZ)

At Promise Arizona, we believe that building immigrant and Latino political power is key to bringing hope, dignity and progress to our communities. We were born out of a passion for fairness and unity, and our organization strives to promote and harness the power of our Latino community in Arizona.

Our Mission

At Promise Arizona, we believe in promoting diversity, opportunity, and progress in everything we do.

We do this by building power in our community, championing family and cultural values, and connecting people to life-changing resources.

Our faith-based organization relies on members and volunteers to help build young community leaders and to create positive change in Arizona.

Our Goals

  • Continue to grow the movement by training and developing new community leaders.
  • Register new voters who will champion comprehensive immigration reform.
  • Help members of the community achieve citizenship status or renew their current status.
  • Teach those who want to strengthen their English-speaking skills.
410 E Southern Ave Phoenix, AZ 85040

Arizona Department of Housing


Housing is the foundation f​or success. We lead and collaborate with our community partners to create, preserve and invest in affordable housing. We protect housing consumers and revitalize communities to make Arizona the best place to live.​

The Arizona Department of Housing (ADOH) administers programs for Housing Partners who apply to the department for funding. The majority of the agency’s programs are federally
funded, and the agency receives no State General Fund support. The agency is also home to the Arizona Home Foreclosure Prevention Funding Corporation.

ADOH does not own or build housing but rather manages funding for the programs through for profit and non-profit developers,
faith-based organizations, service organizations, and state, county and city entities who apply for funding and meet criteria developed by state and federal law.

General Public members might be interested in the homeownership program, HOME Plus, offered by the Arizona Industrial Development Authority; apartment rental information through, and the programs of the Arizona Public Housing Authority.

Department staff are also available to answer your questions by phone.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.

Do You Need Help with Legal Services?

"If you have a civil legal problem, we may be able to help. In general, we serve clients who are low income. If you are not sure, please apply and we can check. We do place a high priority on serving victims of crime."


"Our Vision is that all Arizona residents, particularly those within the 33,000 square miles where Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. (SALA) provides legal services, have access to legal, social and economic justice. Further, it is our Vision that all individuals and families in our service area understand the vital role SALA plays in assisting low-income individuals and families."


"Our Mission is to provide quality legal services to people who would not otherwise have equal access to justice, in ways which affirm their individual and collective dignity, integrity, and power."

Non-profit Law Firm

"SALA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public interest law firm, established in 1951, which provides free, civil legal aid to low-income individuals and families in 9 of Arizona’s 15 counties and in 11 of Arizona’s 21 Native American Communities. Since 1951, SALA has been a trusted resource and an effective voice for low-income people in southern and southeastern Arizona."

"We provide civil legal aid. We do not provide help with criminal legal issues. Examples of civil legal issues include: eviction, foreclosure, public benefits denial, guardianship of children in your care, Orders of Protection (restraining order) for victims of domestic violence, divorce and child support issues. Our ability to help depends on the availability of funding and other resources. We are committed to helping as many people as we can, so we encourage you to apply. If we cannot help you directly for any reason, we will suggest other resources in your area."

Check this website for more information.


SALA provides services to people with limited financial means.

If you are eligible, these are the types of services you might receive: legal counseling and advice; limited assistance such as help completing legal documents; self-help classes and clinics; referrals to pro bono attorneys; representation in court. Our ability to help depends on the availability of funding and other resources. We are committed to helping as many people as we can, so we encourage you to apply. If we cannot help you directly for any reason, we will suggest other resources in your area.

1729 N. Trekell Rd, Ste 101 Casa Grande, AZ 85122

Pinal County

1729 N. Trekell Rd, Ste 101
Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Open Map
Fax: 520-316-8063; 1-877-718-8086

Four Rivers Indian Legal Services
403 Seed Farm Rd/PO Box 68
Sacaton, AZ 85147-0001 Open Map
1-520-562-3369; 1-866-312-2290
Fax: 520-562-3900

AZ Law Help is a collaborative project of:

  • Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education
  • Community Legal Services
  • DNA People's Legal Services
  • Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc.
  • The William E. Morris Institute for Justice
  • The State Bar of Arizona

With support from:

Legal Services Corporation is the single largest funder of civil legal aid for low-income Americans in the nation.

"Established in 1974, LSC operates as an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that promotes equal access to justice and provides grants for high-quality civil legal assistance to low-income Americans. LSC distributes more than 90% of its funding to 131 independent nonprofit legal aid programs with more than 890 offices."


Free or reduced fee legal help might be available for those that qualify. Click below or call 866-637-5341 to check eligibility.

CLICK HERE to check for eligibility.

Salvation Army - Corps Community Center

The Salvation Army provides a wide range of elderly care and support options.

The Salvation Army passionately invites senior citizens into relationships with others through our many senior centers and eldercare programs. To help combat the loneliness, depression, and loss of independence that often accompany old age, we provide group dining experiences, coordinate activities, visit the homebound, and offer residential assistance for older adults in need of a senior living community.


The Salvation Army works to stimulate the minds and bodies of older adults via educational opportunities, low-impact exercise, dances, lunches, fellowship, and countless other "young at heart" activities.


To help ease the functional transitions associated with advanced age, we offer housing assistance and living quarters for the elderly - each cultivated with a loving atmosphere of help, kindness, and acceptance.

Adult Day Care Centers:

Because the mental and physical disabilities associated with old age impact both the elderly and their loved ones, The Salvation Army offers adult day care facilities. Here, older adults unable to independently care for themselves enjoy friendship, kindness, and monitored activities while their caretakers enjoy a much-needed break.

1333 N. Center Street Casa Grande 85122

Services offered:

. Disaster Services
. Emergency Financial Assistance
. Food & Nutrition Programs
. Seasonal Services
. Visitation Services
. Christian Education
. Women's Ministries
. Worship Services - Sunday School
. Worship Services - Youth Ministries
. Worship Services - Children's / Teen
. Worship Services - Church
. Music & Arts Programs
. Worship Services - Young Adult
. Men's Ministries
. Day Camp Activities
. Latchkey Programs
. Residential Camping Activities
. Character Building Programs
. Referrals to other Salvation Army facilities

Phone for appointment: 520-705-6509

Arizona Department of Economic Security

Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)

DES works with families, community organizations, advocates and state and federal partners to realize our collective vision that every child, adult, and family in Arizona will be safe and economically secure.

DES works to promote enhanced safety and well-being for Arizonans by focusing on three primary goals:

Strengthening individuals and families

Increasing self-sufficiency

Developing the capacity of communities

Whether you are an individual who needs help, a potential employee passionate about helping others, or a part of the extensive network of human service professionals throughout Arizona dedicated to improving outcomes for children and families, we look forward to working with you to create a better tomorrow by providing support today.

555 W. Main Ave. Casa Grande, 85122-4315

Services available in Casa Grande: Nutrition assistance, medical assistance and cash assistance.

Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens (PGCSC) is now Central Arizona Aging

Incorporated in 1974, Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens (PGCSC) is a non-profit organization designated as the Area Agency on Aging for Region V, which encompasses Pinal and Gila counties.

PGCSC’s mission is to assist seniors and persons with disabilities in Region V achieve and maintain self-sufficiency with dignity and offer choices of appropriate care by providing a wide range of community and home-based services.

PGCSC also represents the interests of the elderly and acts to advocate for change in public and private attitudes, policies, and regulations. PGCSC provides a wide variety of services for seniors, persons with disabilities, and caregivers. These services are offered directly or through a network of provider agencies.

As of October 2024, PGCSC is now known as Central Arizona Aging.
We enhance elderly quality of life in Pinal and Gila counties through services and support

Central Arizona Aging seeks to enhance the quality of life of elders in Pinal and Gila counties through a variety of services, support and information. This site will help you find the services, volunteering opportunities, information, and the assistance you need. It will also show you how you can help elders in Pinal and Gila counties by donating to our exciting foundation.

CAA has many services available for seniors

Meals on Wheels

Delivering hot meals to your door.

Caregiver Support

Support Groups, education, and training.

Senior Centers

A place for activities, continued learning, and social events.

Legal Services

Assisting seniors with legal needs.

Learn More

We’re Here to Help

Central Arizona Aging is dedicated to empowering seniors and enhancing their quality of life through compassionate support, comprehensive resources, and community care.

Contact Us

2-1-1 Arizona (877-211-8661)

We connect you to the resources you need.

2-1-1 Arizona transforms lives by linking individuals and families to vital community services throughout Arizona.

We are trusted, local, nonprofit organization providing you with access to 35,000+ community resources including housing, health, food, employment services and so much more.

You can contact 2-1-1 (or 877-211-8661) if you have questions about:

  • Human Services
  • Health Needs
  • Emergency Food
  • Crisis Counseling
  • Rental Assistance
  • Mental Health
  • Legal Assistance
  • Financial Assistance
  • Disability Resources
  • Support Groups
  • Community and Government Services
  • Volunteering and Donating
  • Utility Assistance

Or other assistance you may need.

Also, see the Assistance for Economically Disadvantaged, Elderly and/or Homebound category for more information and resources.


1275 W. Washington St. Suite 210 Tempe, AZ 85281-1859

We cannot help people in person at our office. Please call or use our website or free apps.

Arizona Relay callers, dial 7-1-1 or 800-367-8939 and ask for 877-211-8661.

Explore our library of helpful information related to the following topics:

Heat Relief
Housing and Homelessness
Income and Employment

Government home repair assistance programs

Government programs can make home repairs and renovations more affordable. Find out if you are eligible for home improvement loans and learn how to apply.

Who qualifies for home repair and improvement assistance

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers loan and assistance programs for home repairs and improvements. Eligibility requirements vary for each program. Your eligibility may depend on:

  • Your income level
  • Your age
  • The type of property you own and want to repair
  • Where your property is located

Some home repair and improvement programs are available for specific audiences, including:

  • Native Americans
  • Veterans and service members
  • Rural residents

For more information check the following link:

Arizona Dept of Housing (ADOH) - Rental Assistance & Eviction Prevention Programs

ADOH - The Arizona Department of Housing: Mission

Funding quality affordable housing and community revitalization to benefit all Arizonans and ensuring safe manufactured buildings throughout the state.

The Arizona Department of Economic Security’s (DES) Rental Assistance Program is available statewide for renters and landlords. For information about the program’s eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit:

The website also provides direct links to county specific assistance programs.

How to Access SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Benefits

"If you’re on a fixed income and see costs keep going up, or if you’re struggling to make ends meet on a tight budget, you are not alone. AARP Foundation can connect you with resources and assistance to help you stretch your grocery budget. Assistance is available for adults of all ages through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which provides participants with a credit card-like card (EBT card) for making purchases at grocery stores and some farmers markets. Millions of older adults use SNAP to afford the food they need each month and AARP Foundation wants to make it easier to apply and enroll."

Check out this AARP website to learn more about SNAP and see if you qualify for assistance.

DES - Aging and Adult Services

The Division of Aging and Adult Services (DAAS) supports at-risk Arizonans to meet their basic needs and to live safely with dignity and independence. Services support older Arizonans, vulnerable adults, and refugees.

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is Arizona's Medicaid agency that offers health care programs to serve Arizona residents. Individuals must meet certain income and other requirements to obtain services.

Covered Medical Services

AHCCCS contracts with several health plans to provide covered services.
An AHCCCS health plan works like a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO). The health plan works with doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, specialists, etc. to provide care. You will choose a health plan that covers your zip code area. If you are approved, you will choose a primary care doctor that works with that health plan.

Your primary doctor will:

Be the first person you go to for care.
Authorize your non-emergency medical services.
Send you to a specialist when needed.

AHCCCS health plans provide the following medical services:

Doctor's Visits
Immunizations (shots)
Prescriptions (Not covered if you have Medicare)
Lab and X-rays
Early and Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Services for Medicaid eligible children under age 21
Specialist Care
Hospital Services
Transportation to doctor
Emergency Care
Podiatry Services Performed by a Podiatrist
Chiropractic Services
Pregnancy Care
Surgery Services
Physical Exams
Behavioral Health
Family Planning Services
Glasses, including replacements (for children under age 21)
Vision Exams (for children under age 21)
Dental Screening (for children under age 21)
Dental Treatment (for children under age 21)
Emergency Dental (for adults 21 and older. Up to $1000 per contract year)
Hearing Exams (for children under age 21)
Hearing Aids (for children under age 21)


Eligibility Categories

AHCCCS offers medical programs and resources to serve Arizona residents who meet certain income and other requirements.

Select one of the following that best describes you (or the person you are applying for):

Caretaker Relatives
Children’s Rehabilitative Services (CRS)
Individuals Who are 65 or Older
Individuals Who are Blind or Have a Disability
Individuals Who Require Nursing Home or In-Home Care
Individuals With Developmental Disabilities who Need Long Term Care
Individuals Who Need Help Paying Medicare Costs Only
Pregnant Women
Women Who Want Screening for Breast or Cervical Cancer
Working Individuals with a Disability (Freedom to Work)

801 E Jefferson St Phoenix, AZ 85034

Pinal County Housing Authority

The Housing Department provides and maintains temporary safe, decent, and sanitary standardized housing for qualified low-income people; assists individuals in becoming independent by giving opportunities for education, training, counseling, and support; and helps residents remain independent and maintain their personal dignity as long as possible.

NOTE: low-income housing is no longer accepting APPLICATIONS. The waiting list is now closed.

Pinal County Housing Authority is no longer accepting applications for public housing. To view full details, visit the Required Posting(s) page under Housing.

970 N. Eleven Mile Corner Road, Casa Grande, AZ 85194
Monday9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Tuesday9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Wednesday9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Thursday9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Must have an appointment.

The Society of St. Vincent DePaul

The Society of We're All in This Together

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul harnesses the power of community and partnerships to feed, clothe, house and heal individuals and families in our community who have nowhere else to turn for help. As important, SVdP provides meaningful opportunities for volunteers to serve their neighbors in need with love and compassion.

Get Help:

Whether you need food, clothing, shelter, medical care or general assistance, we are here for you.


. Hot Meals & Food Baskets
. Rent and Utility Bill Assistance
. Shelter & Weather Relief
. Basic Needs for Unhoused Individuals
. Education and Mentorship
. Medical Care
. Dental Care

405 E. 2nd St., Casa Grande, AZ 85122

Need additional support?

Contact our partner agency 2-1-1 Arizona for more services.

  • Society of St. Vincent DePaul ServicesPDF

2-1-1 Heat Relief Information

"Arizona is one of the hottest places on earth from May to September. Heat-related illnesses are common during the summer, and some heat-related illnesses can even be fatal. Below you can find resources and tips to stay hydrated and safe in the Arizona heat. You can also call 211 to speak to a specialist about heat related services in your area.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency or any symptoms of heat-related illness, call 911 immediately."

Use the website below for more information.

Senior Property Valuation Protection Information (Senior Freeze - Pinal County, AZ)


"The Senior Property Valuation Protection Option (Senior Freeze) is available to residential homeowners, 65 years of age or older, who meet specific guidelines based on income, ownership, and residency (Arizona Constitution, Article 9, Section 18.) Please be aware, that the program will freeze the Limited Property Value of your property for three years, regardless if future property values increase or decrease."


The Senior Freeze locks your home valuation for three years. It does not freeze your taxes, but it can help by preventing value increases from further increasing your taxes.

The application period is from March 1st to September 1st of each year.

For other available exemptions, please visit

Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA)

Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA) is a private, non-profit corporation providing for the identified needs of people and communities of Pinal County. CAHRA builds firm foundations in partnership with communities by stimulating family cohesiveness and self-reliance.

Case Management Program - low-income household issues

Dreamcatcher Program - homeless with children subsidized transitional housing

Weatherization and minor home repairs

Home Alone Safe Alone Emergency Pendants (when available)

Utility assistance

Rental assistance

Adult incontinence products program

109 N. Sunshine Blvd Eloy, AZ 85131

Directory of Services:

Please visit: - or -

call 211 for a directory of social services

2-1-1 Transportation Hotline

211 Arizona is proud to offer a variety of free transportation options to the community through our 211 Transportation Hotline. Our current funding provides free rides for heat relief and for caregivers. Unfortunately, other SDOH (social determinants of health) rides are not funded presently, meaning 211 Arizona cannot provide residents free transportation for food, medicine, and other necessities. We are actively seeking funding sources for these vital transportation needs in our community and respectfully request the help of organizations which may be able to assist.

After determining the option that best suits your needs, please call the 211 Transportation Hotline at 1-855-345-6432, or dial 211 and select option 4 for transportation, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily, to schedule your ride!

HUD - Home Improvements

Whether you want to fix a faucet or add a new addition to your home, you need to know the facts and the pitfalls of home improvements. Here are some sources that can help.

Check the following link for more information from HUD on available programs.

Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP)

NOTE: The Affordable Connectivity Program stopped accepting new applications and enrollments on February 7, 2024. The last fully funded month of the program was April 2024.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program that helps low income households pay their heating/cooling bills, minimize crises, and make energy costs more affordable. The LIHEAP program is administered in accordance with federal regulations, the Arizona LIHEAP State Plan, and LIHEAP Policy.


To qualify for LIHEAP, the applicant must have an income that falls within the program guidelines. Priority for service assistance is determined based on vulnerable household members. Higher priority may be granted if someone in your home is a senior citizen (60 years of age & older), a person with disabilities, a veteran, or a child under six years old. Additionally, a benefit will not be awarded to any applicant with a credit of $500 or more on their utility bill.

The availability of LIHEAP assistance is not guaranteed and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis. LIHEAP eligibility is limited to once in a 12-month period for a Regular LIHEAP benefit and once in a 12-month period for a Crisis LIHEAP benefit.

Contact the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program hotline at 1-866 494-1981. The call center is available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.


The call center is available 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Arizona Self Help

The Arizona Self Help website was created and is managed by the Arizona Community Action Association (ACAA), a statewide 501(c)3 nonprofit which advocates, educates, and partners to prevent and alleviate poverty. Learn more at

The Arizona Community Action Association (ACAA) was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1967 in response to a need for a statewide forum to address issues relating to poverty.

The mission of the ACAA is to promote economic self-sufficiency for low-income people through collaborations which strengthen, represents and promote Arizona's Community Action Agencies.

Program Descriptions

Arizona Self Help knows about the programs listed below. Arizona Self Help can tell you whether your family might be able to get help from any of these programs:

Child and Family Resources
Financial Benefits
Health Care
Jobs and Employment Directions
Clothing and Diaper Banks
Food and Nutrition
Housing and Utilities
Seniors and Disability Services


What to Bring:

When you apply for benefits, you will need to bring several important documents. If you do not have everything right now, bring what you can.

Examples of what you might need:

Proof of Income and Resources (bring all that apply to you)
Current pay stubs or a letter from your employer stating your earnings
Income tax returns
Bank or credit union records
Stock and bond certificates
Trust fund agreements
Burial fund records
Life insurance policies
Car registration or title
Current unemployment check
Social Security benefits statement
Veterans Administration benefit check
Your ID (bring ONE of the following):
Driver's license
Birth certificate
Hospital certificate of birth
State issued non-drivers' ID card
Marriage certificate with date of birth
US passport
Immigration or Naturalization certificate
Medicaid card
Proof of US Citizenship or Legal Residence for each person in household who wants benefits.
Social Security card or number



Pinal-Gila Council for Senior Citizens Resource Guide

One of the major resources available to Pinal County residents is the PGCSC Senior Connections Resource Guide.

The PGCSC Senior Connections Resource Guide is one of the most comprehensive resources available to Pinal County residents.

NOTE: Once you have taken the above link to PGCSC, there are two handy links provided on their website to access the PGCSC Senior Connections Resource Guide. There first one is at the bottom of the Home Page for the Resource Guide and a second link is under the "About Us" tab. If you want, you can download a copy of the RESOURCE GUIDE for your use.

Southwest Gas Customer Assistance

Arizona Special Programs & Assistance offered by Southwest Gas.

We’re here for you, Arizona. Whether you have questions about natural gas safety or need to reach customer service, we’ve got your back.

We're here to help.

If you're a Southwest Gas residential customer and meet certain income guidelines, you may qualify for assistance in paying your bills.

To see if you qualify for assistance, select the program which most closely relates to your circumstances.

Programs offered:

Assistance and Flexible Payment Options
Bill Assistance Program
Weatherization Program
Low Income Ratepayer Assistance (LIRA)
Deferred Payment Program
Energy Share Program
Arizona Self Help
Customer-Owned Yard Line (COYL)
Special Services for hearing impaired and non-English speakers
Contractor Referral Program
Program for Landlords
Third Party Notification
Medically Fragile Household


Check their postings under Special Programs and Assistance to see if you qualify:

We're here to help. If you're a Southwest Gas residential customer and meet certain income guidelines, you may qualify for assistance in paying your bills.

To see if you qualify for assistance, select the program(s) which most closely relates to your circumstances.

We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the communities we serve in many ways, including placing financial hardships on many of our customers. There are programs in place to help those affected with their utility bills, including the Federal CARES Act.

Southern Arizona Legal Aid


SALA provides free civil legal aid services to low-income individuals and families in southern and southeastern Arizona, including 11 of Arizona’s Native American tribes.

We are committed to ensuring that low-income community members have access to civil legal aid because we know that equal access to justice promotes family stability, strengthens neighborhoods, and improves the quality of life for all our communities.

We provide civil legal aid. We do not provide help with criminal legal issues. Examples of civil legal issues includes: eviction, foreclosure, public benefits denial, guardianship of children in your care, Orders of Protection (restraining order) for victims of domestic violence, divorce and child support issues.

Our ability to help depends on the availability of funding and other resources. We are committed to helping as many people as we can, so we encourage you to apply. If we cannot help you directly for any reason, we will suggest other resources in your area.

ALA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) public interest law firm, established in 1951, which provides free, civil legal aid to low-income individuals and families in 9 of Arizona’s 15 counties and in 11 of Arizona’s 21 Native American Communities. Since 1951, SALA has been a trusted resource and an effective voice for low-income people in southern and southeastern Arizona.


Who is eligible:

If you are eligible, these are the types of services you might receive: legal counseling and advice; limited assistance such as help completing legal documents; self-help classes and clinics; referrals to pro bono attorneys; representation in court. Our ability to help depends on the availability of funding and other resources. We are committed to helping as many people as we can, so we encourage you to apply. If we cannot help you directly for any reason, we will suggest other resources in your area.


NOTE: SALA is working remotely.

SALA Areas of Law:

Family Law
Consumer Protection
Eviction Prevention/Unsafe Housing/Home Loss
Expungement Program
Public Benefits
Native American Practice

Please Share Your Feedback

Email Us!

This site is owned and managed by Ron Smith