Joan's Corner - March 2025 Newsletter
Joan Koczor's March ..keeping you informed newsletter is now available for your enjoyment! The entire contents of Joan's monthly newsletter have been replicate...

Joan Koczor
Self help tools assist an individual in identifying potential resources or solutions on their own.
The Arizona Self Help website was created and is managed by the Arizona Community Action Association (ACAA), a statewide 501(c)3 nonprofit which advocates, educates, and partners to prevent and alleviate poverty. Learn more at
The Arizona Community Action Association (ACAA) was incorporated as a non-profit organization in 1967 in response to a need for a statewide forum to address issues relating to poverty.
The mission of the ACAA is to promote economic self-sufficiency for low-income people through collaborations which strengthen, represents and promote Arizona's Community Action Agencies.
Program Descriptions
Arizona Self Help knows about the programs listed below. Arizona Self Help can tell you whether your family might be able to get help from any of these programs:
Child and Family Resources
Financial Benefits
Health Care
Jobs and Employment Directions
Clothing and Diaper Banks
Food and Nutrition
Housing and Utilities
Seniors and Disability Services
What to Bring:
When you apply for benefits, you will need to bring several important documents. If you do not have everything right now, bring what you can.
Examples of what you might need:
Proof of Income and Resources (bring all that apply to you)
Current pay stubs or a letter from your employer stating your earnings
Income tax returns
Bank or credit union records
Stock and bond certificates
Trust fund agreements
Burial fund records
Life insurance policies
Car registration or title
Current unemployment check
Social Security benefits statement
Veterans Administration benefit check
Your ID (bring ONE of the following):
Driver's license
Birth certificate
Hospital certificate of birth
State issued non-drivers' ID card
Marriage certificate with date of birth
US passport
Immigration or Naturalization certificate
Medicaid card
Proof of US Citizenship or Legal Residence for each person in household who wants benefits.
Social Security card or number
This site is owned and managed by Ron Smith