Joan's Corner - March 2025 Newsletter
Joan Koczor's March ..keeping you informed newsletter is now available for your enjoyment! The entire contents of Joan's monthly newsletter have been replicate...

Joan Koczor
Organizations or agencies that can provide rental assistance.
We connect you to the resources you need.
2-1-1 Arizona transforms lives by linking individuals and families to vital community services throughout Arizona.
We are trusted, local, nonprofit organization providing you with access to 35,000+ community resources including housing, health, food, employment services and so much more.
You can contact 2-1-1 (or 877-211-8661) if you have questions about:
Or other assistance you may need.
Also, see the Assistance for Economically Disadvantaged, Elderly and/or Homebound category for more information and resources.
We cannot help people in person at our office. Please call or use our website or free apps.
Arizona Relay callers, dial 7-1-1 or 800-367-8939 and ask for 877-211-8661.
Explore our library of helpful information related to the following topics:
Heat Relief
Housing and Homelessness
Income and Employment
ADOH - The Arizona Department of Housing: Mission
Funding quality affordable housing and community revitalization to benefit all Arizonans and ensuring safe manufactured buildings throughout the state.
The Arizona Department of Economic Security’s (DES) Rental Assistance Program is available statewide for renters and landlords. For information about the program’s eligibility requirements and how to apply, visit:
The website also provides direct links to county specific assistance programs.
ADOH website: About ADOH | Arizona Department of Housing (
This site is owned and managed by Ron Smith