Home Modifications

Modifications done to a residence to improve accessibility and safety.

Government home repair assistance programs

Government programs can make home repairs and renovations more affordable. Find out if you are eligible for home improvement loans and learn how to apply.

Who qualifies for home repair and improvement assistance

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers loan and assistance programs for home repairs and improvements. Eligibility requirements vary for each program. Your eligibility may depend on:

  • Your income level
  • Your age
  • The type of property you own and want to repair
  • Where your property is located

Some home repair and improvement programs are available for specific audiences, including:

  • Native Americans
  • Veterans and service members
  • Rural residents

For more information check the following link:

HUD - Home Improvements

Whether you want to fix a faucet or add a new addition to your home, you need to know the facts and the pitfalls of home improvements. Here are some sources that can help.

Check the following link for more information from HUD on available programs.


Ability360 continues a 40-year tradition of offering and promoting programs to empower people with all disabilities to take personal responsibility so that they may achieve or continue independent lifestyles within the community.

Ability360 is a Center for Independent Living.

A Center for Independent Living, otherwise known as a CIL, is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities to address needs and barriers within the community. Ability360 is located in Phoenix, Arizona and provides services throughout the state of Arizona.

Pinal-Gila County Office: 1419 N. Arizona Blvd. Coolidge, AZ 85128

AZ Relay Service 7-1-1

Email: info@ability360.org

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