Joan's Corner - March 2025 Newsletter
Joan Koczor's March ..keeping you informed newsletter is now available for your enjoyment! The entire contents of Joan's monthly newsletter have been replicate...

Joan Koczor
Empower is the process of giving, showing, encouraging personal responsibility or building the confidence to do something that they were otherwise unable to do.
Ability360 continues a 40-year tradition of offering and promoting programs to empower people with all disabilities to take personal responsibility so that they may achieve or continue independent lifestyles within the community.
Ability360 is a Center for Independent Living.
A Center for Independent Living, otherwise known as a CIL, is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization run by people with disabilities, for people with disabilities to address needs and barriers within the community. Ability360 is located in Phoenix, Arizona and provides services throughout the state of Arizona.
AZ Relay Service 7-1-1
What is Independent Living?
Most Americans take for granted opportunities they have — regarding living arrangements, employment situations, means of transportation, social and recreational activities, and other aspects of everyday life.
For many Americans with disabilities, however, barriers in their communities take away or severely limit their choices. These barriers may be obvious, such as lack ramped entrances for people who use wheelchairs, lack of interpreters or captioning for people with hearing impairments, lack of Braille or taped copies of printed material for people who have visual impairments. Other barriers — frequently less obvious — can be even more limiting to efforts on the part of people with disabilities to live independently, and they result from people misunderstandings and prejudices about disability. These barriers result in low expectations about things people with disabilities can achieve.
So, people with disabilities not only have to deal with the effects of their disabling conditions, but they also have to deal with both kinds of barriers. Otherwise, they are likely to be limited to a life of dependency and low personal satisfaction.
This need not occur. Millions of people all over America who experience disabilities have established lives of independence. They fulfill all kinds of roles in their communities, from employers and employees to marriage partners to parents to students to athletes to politicians to taxpayers — an unlimited list. In most cases, the barriers facing haven't been removed, but these individuals have been successful in overcoming, or at least dealing, with them.
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