Joan's Corner - March 2025 Newsletter
Joan Koczor's March ..keeping you informed newsletter is now available for your enjoyment! The entire contents of Joan's monthly newsletter have been replicate...

Joan Koczor
Articles or information related to the art of photography.
"Living in Maricopa has its advantages, and one of the biggest might be the scenery we all get to take in on a day-to-day basis. The Sonoran Desert can be a lot of things: hot, dangerous, desolate and beautiful.
Sometimes, that beauty serves as inspiration to take photos. It’s difficult, though, to ensure images reflect the emotion felt taking in a landscape in person.
Which is why InMaricopa chatted with some of the city’s most accomplished photographers for their inspiration and tips on how to get the most out of our photos.
Lending their expertise were Jack Jackson, Michael Feigenbaum and InMaricopa staffers Bryan Mordt and Monica D. Spencer."
This article from the July 2023 issue of InMaricopa Magazine provides insight into the process of gathering a good image. A good read for those of us struggling to capture that special image.
"Jack Jackson was 6 years old when he took his first photograph.
He was on a family vacation in Colorado and hiking in a canyon when he spotted an image he wanted to capture on film. The sun was glistening on a crystal blue stream, and he remembers pointing the camera and taking his first shot.
It was that moment, he recalls, when he fell in love with photography."
A recent article from Pinal Central by Melissa St. Aude a staff writer focused on Jack Jackson a very talented Maricopa photographer on July 21st. Jack was also recently featured in InMaricopa Magazine. Take a look at this interesting article of this Maricopa visual artist. I have one of his images in my own house!
The camera can be very addicting! But capturing that special image is greatly satisfying. If you run into Jack at a local show, take a look at his work and you will understand!
This site is owned and managed by Ron Smith