
Protecting Seniors from Fraud: Information and Resources to Stay Safe. Our articles and guides provide information on common scams targeting seniors and offer tips for avoiding fraud and protecting personal information.

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Recording Notification Service

When a document is recorded into the Official Records of Pinal County with an identity that is being monitored, an email will automatically be sent to the provided email address.
Please Note: This service applies only to documents recorded after signup
This free service does not constitute a liability on the part of the Pinal County Recorder. Email addresses and names used for the Record Notification Service are subject to public disclosure per Arizona public records law.

Please register all variations of the name you wish to monitor as separate entries.
Examples of Names Variations:



The Pinal County Recording Notification Service is a free online service that alerts subscribers when a document is recorded with the Pinal County Recorder’s Office. Users who sign up for the service will receive an email notification when a document is recorded using a name that they are monitoring. A user can list up to 5 name variations."

For more information: Recorder | Pinal County, AZ

Deed Fraud: How Criminals Use Deed Fraud to Steal Your Entire Home

Stealing a wallet, a cellphone, a car — these are threats we all understand. A thief grabs and flees. But in a rising form of fraud known as deed theft, criminals have found a way to steal no less than your home and land.

Though it is still a relatively uncommon scam, deed-theft cases are popping up across the country. There are two typical variations:

  • In the first type, thieves forge a deed that transfers ownership of a property to them. They file the deed with a county clerk, who records the sale. Then the property is quickly sold to an unsuspecting purchaser.
  • In the second type, crooks deceive a homeowner, convincing them to sign a deed to transfer ownership, often by promising help refinancing a mortgage or paying overdue property taxes.

To better understand this form of fraud, check out this AARP Article: Deed Fraud: How Criminals Could Try to Steal Your Home​​ (


Also see how you can protect yourself by registering your name with the local county's Recorder Office. If a legal document gets entered into their records with your name on it, you will get a quick alert allowing you to take some defensive action. In this same category check out:

Sign Up for the Pinal County Recording Notification Service

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Title Theft Protection

See the link below for information on how to use the Pinal County Recording Notification Service


What to Do if Your Wallet is Lost or Stolen

7 steps to prevent identity theft and money loss — plus how to replace what’s missing.

You reach for your wallet to settle up a bill and find … nothing. Panic sets in as you frantically pat down your pockets or fumble around the contents of your purse. It’s gone. Losing whatever cash you may have on hand is bad enough, but the other contents in your wallet can be a treasure trove for criminals, who can go on to perpetrate credit card fraud and identity theft.

The silver lining: Act fast and you can minimize much of the potential damage. Here’s where to start.

An AARP article from June 20th, 2023 by Barbara Stepko . . .

Title Theft Protection

Are you afraid of having your property title stolen? Here's a no cost solution to help protect your title without signing up for a commercial service.

Did you know that you can register for a notification service from your local county recorder's office if someone tries to register a transaction using your name? The service that you are requesting is a Consumer Notification Service.

The Pinal County Recording Notification System is a free online service that alerts subscribers when a document is recorded with the Pinal County Recorder’s Office. Users who sign up for the service will receive an email notification when a document is recorded using a name that they are monitoring. A user can list up to 5 name variations.

The link below is for the Pinal County Recorder's Office. A similar service is provided by the Maricopa County Recorder's Office. See the Notes Section for the Maricopa County link.

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This site is owned and managed by Ron Smith