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Exceptional Community Hospital-Maricopa to expand.

"Less than three weeks after opening its doors as Maricopa’s first hospital, Exceptional Health Care has announced it will begin the Phase 2 addition and construction of the facility, located at the southwest end of the overpass.

In a statement, Exceptional said the “Fast Track” care option will be designed to help the Emergency Department at Maricopa’s community hospital reduce wait times and lighten the patient load in the triage area, while emphasizing the differences between non-acute and more urgent patient care needs.

“Although we have been open only a few weeks, we saw an opportunity to improve efficiency and care inside the Emergency Department,” said Saeed Mahboubi, Chief Executive Officer of Exceptional Health Care. “This will not only speed up the time it takes for patients to be treated, but also improve care times for our more critical patients.”

Maricopa's first hospital, Exceptional Community Hospital has announced plans for expansion. Check out their plans in this January 2022 article in InMaricopa Magazine.

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More expansion coming at Exceptional Community Hospital

"The ceremonial ribbon-cutting event at Exceptional Community Hospital-Maricopa Friday ushered in more than a new era for the city with its first hospital. It provided a glimpse into the future growth of that hospital.

The 20,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility opened in December and includes nine in-patient rooms and eight emergency department treatment rooms, allowing local residents to receive 24-hour emergency treatment in Maricopa rather than facing a half hour ambulance ride to an emergency room in Chandler or Casa Grande.

Exceptional Community Hospital also includes a specialty internal medicine hospital, in-house laboratory, and a digital imaging suite including CT Scan, X-Ray, mobile MRI and ultrasound.

But according to Saeed Mahboubi, Chief Executive Officer of Exceptional Health Care, even with those capabilities, the community is ready for more services, and Exceptional is preparing to provide them.

“Phase 2 will be just north of the existing building and will include additional rooms attached to the hospital – mostly in-patient rooms and emergency department (ED),” Mahboubi said. “That’s where we’re lacking space. So, we’ll have more rooms, and Phase 2 also will include an OB/GYN department. Then Phase 3 will be surgery and medical office space.”

Catch up on the newest expansion plans from Exceptional Community Hospital in this March 2022 article in InMaricopa Magazine.

Expanded health care, aimed at providing better service, in the cards for Maricopa.

"MARICOPA — If all goes according to plan, there's a chance that Maricopa could become a health care epicenter within Pinal County.

At the end of 2021, Maricopa's first hospital opened its doors. Plans are already in the works to expand the hospital; in addition, plans for a new "Medical and Innovation Campus" near Copper Sky Recreation Complex have also been given the green light by the city.

Exceptional Community Hospital, the first hospital in Maricopa, opened in December 2021 and has since seen over 23,000 patients. Its construction gave the Maricopa community a closer option for emergency and urgent care."

Healthcare services are poised to greatly expand in the City of Maricopa. Check out this July 2023 article by Kimlye Stager a staff writer with Pinal Central about what's being planned for the City of Maricopa.

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